Friday, February 18
According to a survey conducted by Popular Science magazine, Minneapolis ranks numero uno in U.S. cities when it comes to technology. The criteria -- connected citizens, transportation innovation, high-tech jobs, education, use of energy, hospitals & emergency response -- are interesting. Some things are familiar to all who know a little about this city, like medtech (e.g. Medtronic) innovations, 3M, University of MN research , Skyway, Light Rail, etc. Other things might surprise you... Did you know the MOA has no heating system? Ot that downtown traffic is monitored and altered by underground density sensors? Read about that and more things we take for granted living here, in this article.
Wednesday, February 16
Can O' Whoop Ass
Tonight Green Team opened a can o' whoop ass upon Bitch Better Have My Money, the head ref's team. Apparently, tonight wasn't Mr. Pimp's payday. I must say it felt really good to beat that cocky s.o.b. who the week before, and I quote, had told me 'next week you will feel the wrath of my team'. We beat 'em 7-0, in the first half no less, so the game ended by mercy rule. Not bad given that we only had 1 guy sub and that only one of our girls showed up. We picked up a random girl to play so we wouldn't have to forfeit, but we still had to play 1 girl down the entire game. T'was a beautiful thing to watch, back there from my libero position...
Monday, February 14
Museum of Bad Album Covers
From Yahoo! Picks Weekly Wire,
This one is fairly self-explanatory, although it does beg the question: What were they thinking? English music zine ZonicWeb presents a lovingly curated, jaw-droppingly ghastly gallery of hideous album covers. This stuff is painfully addictive. We suggest you jump straight to the Top Ten and click your way through to the near misses -- covers that didn't quite make the list. But we doubt you'll be able to stop there. General categories include heavy metal atrocities, including a classic ManO'War cover. Don't overlook new wave nasties, folk crimes, gospel horror shows, and just plain wrong. And if you haven't been blinded by these assaults on your visual senses, you may want to pay homage to those who offer comfort through song.
Sunday, February 13
Dynamite Quotes
[Napoleon's current event] Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... , placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Lochness to blow Nessie out of the water.
[Wolverine hunting in Alasaka] A freakin' 12-gage, what do you think?
[First meeting with Pedro] You know there's like a buttload of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join cuz I'm pretty good with the bowstaff.
[Feeding the lama] Tina you fat lard, come get some dinner!
[Rex Kwon Do] Do you think I got where I am today because I dress like Peter Pan here!
[Cafeteria convo with Deb] I see you're drinking one percent. Is that cuz you think you're fat?
[Other convo with Deb] I have all your equipment in my locker. You should probably come get it cuz I can't fit my numchucks in there anymore.
[Uncle Rico] Grandma took a little spill at the sand dunes today, broke her cockicks.
[Uncle Rico] She's jealous. Says I'm living too much in 82.
[Uncle Rico] Back in 82, I use to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.
[Kip] I'm just getting really, just kinda T.O.'ed. I mean she still hasn't even sent me a full body shot yet.
[Convo with Deb on the school frontsteps] A liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed.
[Depressed, convo with Pedro] Nobody's gonna go out with me (...) I don't really have any good skills. You know like: numchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!
[Gets a job] Do the chickens have large talons?
[Encourages Pedro] Heck yes! I'd vote for you. Well, you have a sweet bike... And you're really good at hooking up with chicks... Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache.
[Testing milk] This tastes like the cow got into an onion patch.
[Pedro, inspecting a cow] They're pretty good, except for one little problem. That little guy right there. He his nipple number five. A good milking cow should have like, four.
[Kip] I've already got a soulmate: La Fawnduh.
[Kip] Napoleon, I'm sure there's a babe out there for you. Peace out.
[Wolverine hunting in Alasaka] A freakin' 12-gage, what do you think?
[First meeting with Pedro] You know there's like a buttload of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join cuz I'm pretty good with the bowstaff.
[Feeding the lama] Tina you fat lard, come get some dinner!
[Rex Kwon Do] Do you think I got where I am today because I dress like Peter Pan here!
[Cafeteria convo with Deb] I see you're drinking one percent. Is that cuz you think you're fat?
[Other convo with Deb] I have all your equipment in my locker. You should probably come get it cuz I can't fit my numchucks in there anymore.
[Uncle Rico] Grandma took a little spill at the sand dunes today, broke her cockicks.
[Uncle Rico] She's jealous. Says I'm living too much in 82.
[Uncle Rico] Back in 82, I use to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.
[Kip] I'm just getting really, just kinda T.O.'ed. I mean she still hasn't even sent me a full body shot yet.
[Convo with Deb on the school frontsteps] A liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed.
[Depressed, convo with Pedro] Nobody's gonna go out with me (...) I don't really have any good skills. You know like: numchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!
[Gets a job] Do the chickens have large talons?
[Encourages Pedro] Heck yes! I'd vote for you. Well, you have a sweet bike... And you're really good at hooking up with chicks... Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache.
[Testing milk] This tastes like the cow got into an onion patch.
[Pedro, inspecting a cow] They're pretty good, except for one little problem. That little guy right there. He his nipple number five. A good milking cow should have like, four.
[Kip] I've already got a soulmate: La Fawnduh.
[Kip] Napoleon, I'm sure there's a babe out there for you. Peace out.
Saturday, February 12
Surprise Dinner

This was the only Superbowl ad worthy of mention, by AmeriQuest. You can view that spot and others here.
Friday, February 11
Light My Fire
The smoking ban in Minneapolis will be effective starting March 31st. Not that it matters, but here's my 2 cents worth...
Whose 2 cents is this?
As a recent ex-smoker still trying to shut down triggers and the cravings that one gets now and again, these days I welcome anything that reduces my exposure to other smokers. My biggest trigger is alcohol, that's the only time I really crave a smoke, late at night, feeling and enhancing the buzz. But I've been going to bars and not smoking and it hasn't been hell, far from it. Point: the ban won't stop me from going; in fact it will allow me to enjoy myself without having to face temptation every other minute - yes addictions can and do weaken your willpower, by definition. And I venture to guess that it will help my social-smoker friends to become non-smokers as well. Hard to admit the State can do you some good ... it's ok P., take it like a man! Relax and have smoke, no... wait!
Equilibrium switch
Game theory establishes that multiple outcomes (equilibria) are the norm, not the exception. And unfortunately, ranking the equilibria in terms of social welfare is in most cases impossible. Regardless, legislation can be used to induce a particular equilibrium, or a switch from one to another that would otherwise not occur. Why not? Because unilateral deviations from the equilibrium aren't self-sustainable. Simple example: the current equilibrium while driving your car around here is: use the right lane. Let's see YOU start using the left lane, on your own, and play chicken with every driver on the other side. [make sure to phone me before doing that though, I'm sure some that good video footage of this would be worth something] But, if by law we were required to use the left lane, the deviation from the previous norm wouldn't be unilateral anymore and bingo! a new equilibrium and you're in, say, England. Neither equilibrium is better, the important thing is that it is an equilibrium and that (in this case: only) laws can implement that switch.
The example is meant to illustrate what is meant by equilibrium switch, not to claim that these situations - traffic laws and current smoking practices - are in any other way similar. Why would unilateral (single individual) deviations from the norm in a bar where most smoke not be self-sustainable? Surely it's possible to frequent a smoking establishment and not smoke, regardless of how difficult it is - which varies according to each individual obviously. But as long as the deviation (here, not smoking in a smoker's heaven) is not rewarded (maybe massive 'you'll get laid with a hottie if you don't smoke' handouts could do the trick?), the equilibrium (here, this bar is a smoking bar) will not change just because you didn't smoke that night, or any other night you go there and be deviant.
Arguments Schmarguments
I put anything to do with second-hand smoke (affecting other customers and the employees) in the negative externalities argument. Valid argument, in fact one of the few that can counter personal freedom arguments of the "I know what's best for me, and I can do whatever the $#% I want to" type. Notice there are two lines of argument in there. The second one is shot down easily: no you can't do whatever you want, not when your actions impact negatively on the welfare of others, unless you'd like to live completely alone. I am unaware of any set of social conventions that puts no restrictions on individual behavior that impacts others. [Anthropologists, historians, whomever, ... help out - true or not? Not my area ....]
As for the 'I know what's best for me', I tend to agree (especially when considering the alternative of the State deciding for you what that is), but it's a moot point: the right to smoke is not being challenged, when this activity is conducted in a private setting (my attempt at 'legalese') - without externality there is little, if any, case for government intervention.
This leaves the issue of mechanism - the how to, and which way is best. Legislators just aren't being very creative. An outright ban will jeopardize some business. No big deal, maybe if you have a greater goal in mind, and public health can be held up there. But they could very well auction off smoking licenses (heard of liquor licenses?): restaurants & bars that rely on smokers purchase licenses, those that don't, don't. Some public revenue is generated - ghee, I wonder what we could use that for? Customers and employees self-select into smoking or non-smoking establishments. Second-hand smoke isn't a legitimate issue for people who self-select to frequent a smoking establishment.
'Schmarguments' have also come up, like "fear that those who now frequent downtown clubs and restaurants will choose to go to other cities that don't have smoking bans". Pleeeease... You don't think lousy opening hours, expensive alcohol, and a high drinking age are already incentive enough to go find your watering hole elsewhere?
Even agreeing with the general objective of a better public health, I can't help but feel that legislators too caught up in their IOUs have, once again, missed a great opportunity to use a better mechanism (auctions) to induce a more desirable equilibrium rather that naively trying to force it instantaneously, an approach often found to be quite counter-productive. How is the hard line war on drugs approach doing?...
Whose 2 cents is this?
As a recent ex-smoker still trying to shut down triggers and the cravings that one gets now and again, these days I welcome anything that reduces my exposure to other smokers. My biggest trigger is alcohol, that's the only time I really crave a smoke, late at night, feeling and enhancing the buzz. But I've been going to bars and not smoking and it hasn't been hell, far from it. Point: the ban won't stop me from going; in fact it will allow me to enjoy myself without having to face temptation every other minute - yes addictions can and do weaken your willpower, by definition. And I venture to guess that it will help my social-smoker friends to become non-smokers as well. Hard to admit the State can do you some good ... it's ok P., take it like a man! Relax and have smoke, no... wait!
Equilibrium switch
Game theory establishes that multiple outcomes (equilibria) are the norm, not the exception. And unfortunately, ranking the equilibria in terms of social welfare is in most cases impossible. Regardless, legislation can be used to induce a particular equilibrium, or a switch from one to another that would otherwise not occur. Why not? Because unilateral deviations from the equilibrium aren't self-sustainable. Simple example: the current equilibrium while driving your car around here is: use the right lane. Let's see YOU start using the left lane, on your own, and play chicken with every driver on the other side. [make sure to phone me before doing that though, I'm sure some that good video footage of this would be worth something] But, if by law we were required to use the left lane, the deviation from the previous norm wouldn't be unilateral anymore and bingo! a new equilibrium and you're in, say, England. Neither equilibrium is better, the important thing is that it is an equilibrium and that (in this case: only) laws can implement that switch.
The example is meant to illustrate what is meant by equilibrium switch, not to claim that these situations - traffic laws and current smoking practices - are in any other way similar. Why would unilateral (single individual) deviations from the norm in a bar where most smoke not be self-sustainable? Surely it's possible to frequent a smoking establishment and not smoke, regardless of how difficult it is - which varies according to each individual obviously. But as long as the deviation (here, not smoking in a smoker's heaven) is not rewarded (maybe massive 'you'll get laid with a hottie if you don't smoke' handouts could do the trick?), the equilibrium (here, this bar is a smoking bar) will not change just because you didn't smoke that night, or any other night you go there and be deviant.
Arguments Schmarguments
I put anything to do with second-hand smoke (affecting other customers and the employees) in the negative externalities argument. Valid argument, in fact one of the few that can counter personal freedom arguments of the "I know what's best for me, and I can do whatever the $#% I want to" type. Notice there are two lines of argument in there. The second one is shot down easily: no you can't do whatever you want, not when your actions impact negatively on the welfare of others, unless you'd like to live completely alone. I am unaware of any set of social conventions that puts no restrictions on individual behavior that impacts others. [Anthropologists, historians, whomever, ... help out - true or not? Not my area ....]
As for the 'I know what's best for me', I tend to agree (especially when considering the alternative of the State deciding for you what that is), but it's a moot point: the right to smoke is not being challenged, when this activity is conducted in a private setting (my attempt at 'legalese') - without externality there is little, if any, case for government intervention.
This leaves the issue of mechanism - the how to, and which way is best. Legislators just aren't being very creative. An outright ban will jeopardize some business. No big deal, maybe if you have a greater goal in mind, and public health can be held up there. But they could very well auction off smoking licenses (heard of liquor licenses?): restaurants & bars that rely on smokers purchase licenses, those that don't, don't. Some public revenue is generated - ghee, I wonder what we could use that for? Customers and employees self-select into smoking or non-smoking establishments. Second-hand smoke isn't a legitimate issue for people who self-select to frequent a smoking establishment.
'Schmarguments' have also come up, like "fear that those who now frequent downtown clubs and restaurants will choose to go to other cities that don't have smoking bans". Pleeeease... You don't think lousy opening hours, expensive alcohol, and a high drinking age are already incentive enough to go find your watering hole elsewhere?
Even agreeing with the general objective of a better public health, I can't help but feel that legislators too caught up in their IOUs have, once again, missed a great opportunity to use a better mechanism (auctions) to induce a more desirable equilibrium rather that naively trying to force it instantaneously, an approach often found to be quite counter-productive. How is the hard line war on drugs approach doing?...
Thursday, February 10
Playlist - February
- Keep It Clean - Camera Obscura
- Maailma On Sun - Tehosekoitin
- Comes a Time - Neil Young
- Undertaker - M. Ward
- Nimrod's Son - The Pixies
- The Never-Played Symphonies - Morrissey
- Waydown - Modest Mouse
- Midnight Show - The Killers
- Slow Hands - Interpol
- Une Année Sans Lumière - The Arcade Fire
- A Perfect Lie [Nip/Tuck Theme] - Gabriel & Dresden mix, The Engine Room
- Mindcircus - Way Out West
- Exterminator [Massive Attack Remix] - Primal Scream
- Galvanize - The Chemical Brothers Feat. Q-Tip
- Antiaméricanisme primaire - Loco Locass
- Avec Classe - Corneille
- La Camisa Negra - Juanes
Suomen Kulttuurirahasto
Well thank god for these folk ! They just gave my gf a huge grant. She totally deserves it. Don't want to say I told you so, but... I told you so!
Wednesday, February 9
Spam Spim Spit
Now that Spam is under control (boy that took a while! but finally Hotmail and Yahoo have gotten better at filtering Spam, and props to Google on this btw, my Gmail has had zero spam mail since I started using it 4 months ago, and my fellow Gmailers report the same), along comes Spim (spam over instant messaging) and Spit (spam over internet telephony).
Spim isn't a big deal if you only chat with your contacts list and are not in a posted member directory - my experience is none with MSN messenger and only a few on Yahoo messenger.
Not to be left out, for those of you thinking about switching your home phone to VOIP (Voice over IP), perhaps just getting it packaged with your high-speed internet access, you might want to wait until they get a handle on this because when this becomes mainstream, Spit might fly galore and well, I don't know about you but I like to keep at a safe distance when that happens...
Spim isn't a big deal if you only chat with your contacts list and are not in a posted member directory - my experience is none with MSN messenger and only a few on Yahoo messenger.
Not to be left out, for those of you thinking about switching your home phone to VOIP (Voice over IP), perhaps just getting it packaged with your high-speed internet access, you might want to wait until they get a handle on this because when this becomes mainstream, Spit might fly galore and well, I don't know about you but I like to keep at a safe distance when that happens...